Product Info
- Description
- Specification
Hand Augers
These augers are suitable for hand-boring in cohesive soils or sands
and gravels, above the water table to a depth of 5 or 6 metres. The
Soil Auger Heads are constructed of heavy duty steel plates forming an
open tube party interlocking at the cutting end. They are available in
two diameters. 100mm or 150mm.
The Gravel Auger Head comprises a one piece steel casting with a
spiral point and two clap plates designed to close when lifting samples
from the borehole. The diameter is 150mm.
The auger head is connected to 1 metre long steel tubing Extension
Rods. A Handle with T-piece is attached to the uppermost extension rod.
Ordering Information
S 82/1 soil Auger Head. 100mm diameter
S 82/2 Soil Auger Head. 150mm diameter
S 82/3 Gravel Auger Head. 150mm diameter
S 82/4 Extension Rod. 1 metre long
S 82/5 Handle and T-Piece
U38 Sampler
The U38 Sampler is designed for taking 38mm diameter undisturbed
samples by hand in cohesive soils free of gravel or granular material.
These samplers are often used in hand auger holes or trial pits. The
apparatus consists of open-ended steel Sample Tubes with a chamfered
cutting edge. A special Head Adapter is required to connect the sample
tubes to Extension Rods. Each sample tube is provided with push-on
plastic end caps.
In soft soils. the sampler is simply pressed into the soil. In harder soils,
the sample tube can be driven into the ground using a SPT Trip Hammer:
Sample are suitable for:
- Soil fertility determine
- Volume weight determinations
- Determination of granular composition
- Chemical analysis of soil
Ordering Information
S 83/1 U38 Sample Tube
S 83/2 U38 Plastic Sample Caps (pair)
S 83/3 U38 Adapter for extension rods
S 83/4 STP Trip Hammer
Laboratory Vane Apparatus
To BS 1377
Based on the original design by the TRL, torsional load is applied
through one of four calibrated springs to a 12.7mm x 12.7mm vane, to determine
the shear strenght in soft soils of undisturbed or remoulded samples.
The hand operated frame is 560mm high and has a 200mm diameter
base plate capable of accepting standard specimen mounlds and sample
tubes. Scale indicate the load application and any vane deflection.
A motorizing attachment is available. Which produces 12 degrees of
rotation per minute.
- Conforms to BS 1377
- Manual unit can be easily converted to a motorized version
- Easy to use
- Rapid way of determining shear strenght in soft soils.
Ordering Information
S 84
Hand Operated Laboratory Vane Apparatus, hand operated, complete
with four calibrated springs and a 12.7 x 12.7mm vane
Dimensions (L x W x H): 200 x 240 x 260mm
Weight: 10kg
Accessories for S 84
S 84/1 Motorising Attachment for Laboratory Vane Appratus
S 84/2 Attachment to hold sample tubes and glass jars.